The IWGB’s highly-trained Legal Department are offering branch members the chance for some virtual training in redundancy processes – what to expect, what your rights are and what you can do to fight it.

We’re calling for members from UoL branch to volunteer. Sadly, redundancies are likely across Universities and we will need more people able to accompany friends and colleagues to meetings. 

The training will cover what to do as a companion. Please only sign up if you’re willing to support others in meetings as places are limited, but the more trained people we have, the better. (Companions get paid time off normal duties to help their colleagues.) 

Last year, during the CoSector restructure, every member IWGB accompanied was happy with their result. Let’s try to make that happen again! 

The training date is still to be confirmed so please express your interest by emailing by 4.30 on Friday 17th July (this Friday!) and we’ll send you the details as soon as the date is set.