After a rapid two-week turnaround ballot, IWGB members at the University of Greenwich have voted resoundingly in favour of strike action.

This is their first major step by Greenwich security officers, porters and cleaners in getting ready to win an END TO OUTSOURCING AT UoG!! 🔥

After years of being mistreated, undervalued and discriminated against, they are now coming together in strength to demand equality with their colleagues directly-employed by the university. 

The IWGB has seen victories at UoL, UCL and Goldsmiths, now we’re ready to end outsourcing at UoG!  ✉️📮💪

Strike action is no easy decision for our members to take: as low-paid workers any pay we lose has big effects on our lives. But we know that it is the only way that UoG management will listen 📣

The Greenwich outsourced workers need your support in achieving their aims! 

How can you help?

🐤 Retweet the announcement on Twitter

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💸 Donate to the strike fund

✍️ Sign our petition calling for an end to outsourcing at UoG

If you have any ideas or want to get involved and support the campaign in any other ways, please get in touch via email.

We are building a movement to end outsourcing across London’s universities. Your support is vital to making that happen. Thank you for everything!

IWGB Universities of London